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    Nature of Wires release new album – Out of my system admin


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You can now listen to your favourite indie radio station using the free mobile app, Simple Radio. Just go to your App Store on an Apple device or Google Play on your Android device and install, and search for 'Blue Torch Radio'.

todayFebruary 28, 2022 358


Helefonix awakens: bringing new depths to her music

Helefonix Helen Meissner aka Helefonix has demonstrated that anyone can achieve success in writing and performing original indie music, but now she returns with a new musical direction, bringing new and exciting depths to her music. As you move through the Helefonix musical journey, you can feel the progression. We're proud to bring you three tracks from her forthcoming album called 'The Awakening'. Each track has a real meaning behind […]

todayFebruary 9, 2022 76


Nature of Wires release new album – Out of my system

Herefordshire-based Nature of Wires have released a new album called 'Out of my system'. The album has 23 tracks with new musical content and some older tracks remixed, and is an electronic dream. The album deals with issues surrounding divorce, interspersed with tales of tragedy and deception. The album is available in digital format and also as an ultra-limited USB Flash Drive edition, containing remixes, videos, lyric sheets and the […]

todayNovember 27, 2021 109
